What's hot for your summer content?

Our community foundation clients know that many of their fund holders and donors enjoy the summer months as an opportunity to reflect on their charitable giving goals. This allows them to be ready when September rolls around to implement charitable giving plans prior to year end.

As you think about engaging advisors, fund holders, donors, prospects, and nonprofits over the next few months, be sure to consider the types of content that can best capture your stakeholders’ attention.

At Embolden, we think about content and community foundations every single day. That’s why more than 150 community foundations subscribe to our cut-and-paste content designed to help engage each of a community foundation’s key audiences.

For example, in the content that dropped today to our subscribers to the donor and fund holder newsletter content, we've included an article about anonymous giving to prompt fund holders to think about what level of recognition they prefer for their charitable giving and why they might be feeling that way. We’ve also included a piece about charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities, which is more about thinking. We know community foundations want to provide their fund holders few quick pointers on why a donor might consider one or the other. Finally, as always, we've including a couple of suggestions for further reading to encourage your fund holders to stay up-to-date on what's going on in the philanthropy world.

If your community foundation is not yet an Embolden subscriber, please reach out! We’d love to work with you.