Three ways to deploy the content: Long newsletter, brief newsletter, or social posts

New content just hit the inboxes of our 150+ community foundation clients! Material arrives ready for our clients to copy and paste into their own blog posts, newsletters, and other marketing materials.

By popular request, Embolden is now including enhanced introductory material in the newsletter templates we provide. This material contains a summary snippet of each of the articles. These summaries are designed for our clients to use in one of three ways, depending on what’s right for their own audiences:

1. Use the summary snippets "as is" in the introductory section of a full-blown e-newsletter for a longer-form type of publication.

2. Use the summary snippets in social media, and then link to the full article on the community foundation’s website or blog. The last sentence of each summary snippet is designed to be easily followed by a "Read more" link.

3. Use the entire introductory section on its own as the entire—brief—e-newsletter, and then link to the full articles on the community foundation’s website. This keeps the newsletter short. Again, the last sentence in each summary snippet is designed to tee up a "Read more" link.  

At Embolden, we enjoy talking with dozens of clients every week to learn what will help you the most. Our goal is for our community foundation clients never to have to start writing from scratch again.

insightsLaura McKnight