choose ONE OF three consulting packages: JUMPSTART, EMPLOYEE, OR GROWTH. Give us a shout to discuss which one is best for you!
All of our packages help give you more power to:
Every company has a Social Impact Culture Type that influences the success of its employee engagement and market growth strategies. Your success depends on how well your strategy syncs up with the Social Impact Personality Types of your employee or target audience populations, captured in the aggregate through the Social Impact Culture Type diagnostic.
Boosting the success of your employee engagement program or audience engagement program is a whole lot easier when you're working with us. Our experts deliver a Social Impact Culture Roadmap to help you identify and leverage your company's Social Impact Culture Type:
It's research based
We invite you to visit, where you can view a list of founding members who participated in a peer-to-peer development process. You can also explore the research behind our work.
Jumpstart Packages
If any of these statements applies to you, talk to us about a Jumpstart Package:
“We’ve been stuck for weeks, unable to find the time to review our employee engagement program and community initiatives to see if they are still working the way we want.”
“Our sales materials are a bit disorganized. We have a great sales team, but they admit they’re too close to the material to revise our presentation decks to pack the punch we need to start winning more sales.”
“We would love to go after a couple of emerging customer segments, but we don’t have the bandwidth to get started. We just need a little help taking the first steps.”
“Our leadership has a new concept they’d like to pilot, but our team just does not have the capacity. We need a little help getting organized and running a quick, 30-day pilot to test the concept before we invest a lot of time and money.”
2. Employee Packages
A Social Impact Culture Roadmap is a simple, efficient catalyst for achieving an immediate boost in employee engagement. The Social Impact Culture Roadmap is an unparalleled package that combines deep expertise in the areas of social impact and philanthropy, built on top of a powerful technology backbone.
Your Roadmap includes four modules delivered over a 30-day period: Social Impact Survey, Social Impact Inventory, Social Impact Story, and Tips & Expert Advice.
Social Impact Survey
Through the online Social Impact Survey, our team will identify your current “Social Impact Culture Type,” based on the perspectives of your employees. All feedback is anonymous, and we do not collect personally identifiable information from your employees. Results are delivered to you in the aggregate, further protecting your employees’ information and identities. This gives employees peace of mind and gives you the information you need.
Social Impact Inventory
We'll assemble a “Social Impact Inventory,” in the form of a written page report, or password-protected microsite with infographics summarizing key data points, plus an appendix capturing all of the aggregate data from the Social Impact Survey.
Social Impact Story
Based on the Social Impact Inventory data and Social Impact Culture Type diagnostic, we will create a “Social Impact Story,” consisting of key messages that you can use to weave social impact into your existing employee communications platform. Examples of message deployment opportunities include:
Website pages pertaining to employee culture, corporate values, and employment opportunities
Employee events
Printed recruiting material
Press releases, especially those designed to reach potential recruits
Email newsletters (internal and external)
Social media
Signage for the office break room and other common areas
Social impact-focused talking points for use by the management team to improve retention, recruiting, and productivity
Tips & Expert Advice
Our experts will recommend potential cost savings and growth opportunities, based on your Social Impact Inventory, Social Impact Culture Type, and national best practices for deploying the power of social impact to drive business results.
3. Growth packages
Need help growing your business, nonprofit or foundation? We also have consulting packages focused on growth. We’ll work alongside your team to help you enter a new market, hit a big sales goal, or deliver the community impact you want.