More reasons to love cut-and-paste content

New content just dropped, and our community foundation clients no doubt are already cutting and pasting!

Here are three “pro tips” we share with clients about using the content to create email newsletters, social posts, website content, and other materials using Embolden’s plug-and-play content.

Change the photos.

A subscription to Embolden’s professional advisor content, donor and fund holder content, nonprofit content, or any combination of the three gives you complete freedom to edit the material. The placeholder photos are available royalty-free online, and we include them simply for inspiration. Most clients prefer to use their own photos. Ours are included if you need them in a pinch or if you need inspiration for the type of image that could work with the article.

Rearrange the articles

Not every topic is hot with every community foundation's audiences. Our clients move the articles around and edit them to meet their needs. This means that the articles you think are most relevant appear at the top of your newsletter. Embolden's goal is to save you the hours of research and writing you'd spend if you had to start from scratch. Some of our nearly 200 community foundation clients use the articles as is, but others change them up quite a bit, 

Use the summary material for social posts

In some issues of the newsletter material, we include summary statements in the introductory portion of the content. These blurbs are are well-suited for social posts to engage your audiences. You can use a "read more" link to direct readers to the full articles on your website. 

Happy cutting and pasting! If your community foundation is not yet a client, please reach out! We’d love to share a few samples and talk about how Embolden can save you so much time. We’ll do the research and writing … you just cut, paste, and edit to your heart’s content and never have to start from scratch again!

insightsLaura McKnight